In my last post, I identified the index as a sign with a physical connection to its referent; which in photography theory is generally thought to be the imprint of light left on light-sensitive material. I also noted that for many theorists – Roland Barthes chief amongst them – this physical connection to the referent is the defining, or essential, quality of photography. What then is to be made of the numerous claims that digital photography does not share this essential quality? Continue reading
Author: Cat
The Index
Before I dive on into to my most recent research and thinking, I thought it might be useful to outline some of the key concepts and research that underpin my current project. First and foremost amongst them: the index. Continue reading
Let us Begin
Starting a new blog is a little like starting a new sketchbook. There is an odd reluctance to make the first mark, to draw the first line or commit the first thoughts to words. There is pressure, or perhaps desire, for it to be perfect; to be an effective front page that sets the tone of what is to follow. And each one is a promise. A promise that this first impression will be followed by more, will build to create something substantial. Continue reading